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Som del av innsendingsprosessen må forfatteren krysse av for at manuskriptet oppfyller følgende krav, og manuskript som ikke oppfyller kravene og følger retningslinjene, kan bli returnert til forfatteren.
  • Manuskriptet er ikke tidligere publisert, og er heller ikke til vurdering i noe annet tidsskrift (eller gi forklaring i feltet 'Kommentarer til redaktøren').
  • Manuskriptfilen er levert i Microsoft Word eller RTF filformat.
  • Så langt det går an er URL-adresser oppgitt til alle siterte kilder som foreligger på nett. URL-adressene skal være klikkbare (som for eks.
  • Teksten bruker enkel linjeavstand; 12-punkts skrifttype som normalskrift (helst Times New Roman); kursiv i stedet for understreking (unntatt i URL-adresser); bruker aldri fet skrift (unntatt i overskrifter: kursiv er ellers eneste uthevingsmåte); og alle illustrasjoner, figurer og tabeller er satt inn på rett plass i teksten.
  • Teksten følger formatkravene for stil og bibliografisk formatering, slik de er angitt i Forfatterinstruksen, som finnes i Om tidsskriftet.


Author Guidelines for Preparing Manuscripts in English

The languages of Hymnologi are English, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Faroese, Greenlandic and Kven, as well as Sámi languages. When writing in English, British spellings and punctuation should be used consistently (see particulars below). We ask non-native authors to have their texts corrected before sending their submissions.

For the process to run as smoothly as possible, it is important that authors follow the guidelines as carefully as possible. A submitted manuscript can be returned to the author for revision if the guidelines are not adhered to. 

Text formatting

Recommended lengths of texts are:

  • articles: 40,000–60,000 characters
  • book reviews: 5,000–10,000 characters
  • reports and miscellaneous: 2,000–20,000 characters

Following settings are to be used:

  • font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • margins: 3 cm in each direction
  • line spacing: 1,5
  • pagination: Apply automatic page numbering for your article starting with 1.

The entire text should use the same point size and font type. The manuscript is submitted through the OJS system as a doc or docx file. In the submission form, an abstract (max 1,500 characters) and keywords for indexing purposes are also to be included.

Title should be on the first row of the manuscript, possible subtitle on the second row. (Author’s name will be first on the lay out compiled version, but for anonymity in the peer reviewing process, the name is left out when submitting). Subheadings like ‘Introduction’ or ‘Background’ are not used after the main titles. Hymnologi only uses one heading level in the text. The headings should not be numbered, nor should a period be used after them. Headings are separate from the body text with one blank line. All headings, including title of the article is written in same point size as rest of the text. During the lay out process, the lay out editor will shape the heading fonts.

Paragraphs are separated from each other with a blank line. No indent should be used at the beginning of paragraphs. The text should not be hyphenated. Use a blank line with the enter key only between paragraphs and after headings.


Mark the bibliographical references as footnotes (not as in-text references or endnotes). Footnotes may also be used for additional information and citations on original language. However, we do not encourage the abundant use of footnotes, but the inclusion of things in the body text.

For footnote references give the author’s surname (without a comma), year of publication, page number(s). End the reference entry with a period (.), and separate multiple references with a semicolon (;). Examples:

Raski 1913: 39; Pajamo & Tuppurainen 2004: 227–229; Murtorinne 2015: 174–175, 192.
Paulsen et al. 2008: 607, 640–646, 670–672.
Blume 1975 [1853]: 240–247.

Newspapers as follows (when no article title and/or author is indicated in the original):

Helsingin Sanomat 11 November 2018.

Cite references to letters and archival materials as follows (remember the signum):

SKS KIA, L. Onerva’s Archive: Aino & Väinö Aaltonen > L. Onerva 1923. Letter 955:1:1.
KA, Archives of Helsinki Swedish and Finnish Parish: Fredrik Pacius’ certificate to J.A.G. Hymander, 6 May 1861. II Hb:1.
KA, Archives of the Kolppana Seminary: Annual report of the school year 1906–1907. Da:6.

Cite references to internet sources (without page numbers) as follows:

Krohn 2004.
De vackraste julsångerna 2023.


The bibliography should list all sources cited in the text, with full bibliographical details given for each. List research materials first (e.g. music manuscripts, contemporary newspapers, archival documents, original diaries, letters, minutes of meetings, personal notes) as in the following example:

Archival sources

Ilmari Krohn’s Archive, Finnish Literature Society, Literary Archives (SKS KIA).
Archives of Helsinki Swedish and Finnish Parish, National Archives of Finland (KA).

N.B. Detailed information of the archive unit (the so-called signum) should not be included in the bibliography, but it should be given in the reference.

Libretti and score

Cammarano, Salvatore & Leone Emanuele Bardare (2009 [1853]) Il trovatore / Der Troubadour (Giuseppe Verdi). Transl. Henning Mehnert. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Verdi, Giuseppe (2009 [1853]) Il trovatore. Full score. Milano: Ricordi.

Newspapers and periodicals

Helsingin Sanomat 1956.

Fiction, Poetry, Epics

Eschenbach, Wolfram von (1898) Parzival. Ed. Wilhelm Hertz. Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta.

Audiovisual material

Froelich, Carl (1913) Richard Wagner – Eine Film-Biographie zur Feier der 100. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages des Meisters. Berlin: Messter Film GmbH. Re-published as DVD Silent Wagner. Tony Palmer Films TPDVD171, 2010.

Rudra (2013) Heartbreak, (provided to YouTube by CDBaby, 30 October 2015; accessed 10 November 2016).

Lehtola, Jan (2008) Einojuhani Rautavaara: Complete Works for Organ. Alba Records – ABCD265 CD.

Research Literature

Blume, Friedrich (1975 [1964]) ‘The Age of Confessionalism’. Transl. Theodore Hoelty-Nickel. Protestant Church Music. Ed. Friedrich Blume. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 125–315.

Bryson, John R., Lauren Andres & Andrew Davies (2020) ‘COVID-19, Virtual Church Services and a New Temporary Geography of Home’. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 111/3: 360–372. DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12436.

Ingalls, Monique (2018) Singing the Congregation. How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community. New York: Oxford University Press.

Paulsen Ove, Åge Haavik, Jákup Reinert Hansen, Kristján Valur Ingólfsson, Einar Sigurbjörnsson, Lars Eckerdal, Erkki Tuppurainen & Frédric Cleve (2008) ‘Luthers salmer som faste gudstjenesteled og i anden liturgisk bestemt brug’. Martin Luthers psalmer i de nordiska folkens liv. Ett projekt inom forskarnätverket NordHymn. Ed. Sven-Åke Selander & Karl-Johan Hansson. Lund: Arcus förlag, 601–683.

Werner, Michael & Bénédicte Zimmermann (2006) ‘Beyond comparison: histoire croisée and the challenge of reflexivity’. History and Theory, 45/1: 30–50.

N.B. In ebooks, there are no publishing place, only the publisher; e.g.:

Hahner, Leslie A. (2017) To Become an American. Immigrants and Americanization Campaigns of the Early Twentieth Century [eBook]. Michigan State University Press.

Internet sources are listed as follows:

Krohn, Tiina (2004) ‘Krohn-suvun vaellustarina’. (accessed 2 October 2022).

J Erik Nyström (2023) Svenskt biografiskt lexicon. urn:sbl:8506 (accessed 24 May 2023).

De vackraste julsångerna (2023) Finska Missionssällskapet. (accessed 4 June 2023).

Quotations and quotation marks

Quotations/extracts must reproduce the original text exactly in both spelling and punctuation (including mistakes in the original; in such cases indicate the error by inserting the word sic in square brackets [sic] immediately following the mistake). Translations of foreign language quotations should be provided in English in the main body of the text, with the original language supplied in a footnote.

Quotations/extracts of fewer than 50 words can be worked into the main body of the text and should be clearly marked with opening and closing quotation marks. Quotations/extracts of 50 words or more should be set as a separate, indented paragraph without quotation marks (the so-called display quote). Notes or editorial comments within quotations/extracts should appear in square brackets. Any omission in the quotation must be indicated by an ellipsis, as follows: [...].

The source of the quotation/extract should always be included as a footnote reference at the end of the display quote.

Quotation marks should be single (‘ ’) and turned in the English-language way (not ‘ ‘). Use double marks only for quotations within quotations (“ ”) . For all quotation marks, use curly marks, not straight ones, as shown here: ` ́.

The closing quotation mark should precede any punctuation, unless the text quoted forms a complete sentence; for example:

‘He commented that it was “the best of times,” but she retorted, “It was the worst of times.”’

Underlining should be avoided, unless it appears in the original (including quotations from letters). Otherwise, where possible use italics for emphasis, and indicate clearly whose emphasis this is (yours or someone else’s).

Photographs, illustrations, musical examples, figures

Do not embed any photographs, musical examples or figure illustrations in the Word files. Instead, save them in a separate file and label them clearly; for example, Fig1.tif, or Fig 2.jpg, etc. Minimum resolution of images is 300 dpi. Using square brackets, indicate directly in the text where you would like the figure to appear; for example:

[insert Figure1 here – The picture of the psalmodikon.]

We will place it as close to the indication as possible.

For music examples, please supply high-resolution 1200 dpi TIF files or high-resolution PDF files with fonts embedded.

Provide captions for all illustrations, photographs, figures, music examples, etc. The captions should be brief, informative and clearly numbered to indicate the appropriate item (photograph, figure, etc.). Place the caption for the text file with an insertion instruction at the point in the text where the captioned item is to appear; e.g.:

Example 1. Otto Olsson: Six Pieces on Old Church Songs, ‘Credo’. Bars 29–31.

N.B. Make sure you have permission to use a photograph and clearly state the photographer’s name, copyright holder and publication license; e.g.:

Figure 1. Psalmodikon from the late nineteenth-century Finland. Photo: Jaana Maijala 2014 HKM / Helsinki City Museum. CC BY 4.0.

Further important details

Abbreviations: Avoid whenever possible. If abbreviations other than commonly used ones are needed, then write out the term in full at its first appearance followed by its abbreviation in round brackets. Abbreviations that consist of words represented by their initial letter are usually written without full stops: GNP, USA, PhD

Abbreviations that end with the same letter as the original word, such as eds, edn, Mr and Dr, should not be followed by a full stop.

Abbreviations that do not end with the last letter of the original word, such as ed. or ch., should have a full stop; hence, ed. (edited by or editor) and eds (editors, to be used only after their names) are both correct.

The following abbreviations are acceptable: i.e., e.g., Vol. 1.

Bold, Italics, Underlining: Use only italics (not bold or underlining) to emphasize words within the text. However, if you are quoting a letter that uses underline or bold for emphasis, then underlining or bold should be used. Avoid overuse of emphasis in the text through type fonts.

Italics should also be used for titles of books and journals, newspapers, films, plays and musical works, and for stage directions, foreign words/phrases, song titles, etc.

Dashes and hyphens: Please turn off the automatic hyphenation.

Spaced en dashes – not em dashes (—) or hyphens (-) – should be used for parenthetical comments, with a character space on both sides of the dash.

En dashes (–) should be used rather than hyphens in date ranges and number spans, for example: 1920–1930 and 47–69.

Hyphenation should be used in dates when these are adjectival, such as ‘in seventeenth-century Sweden’; otherwise, no hyphen is used: ‘Bach was born in the seventeenth century.’

Dates: Cite dates in British English style: 18 August 2000. Decades should appear without an apostrophe: the 1990s, the 90s.

Measures, other numbers, and initials: There should be a space between the number and the unit of measure, for example, 3 kg, but no space between initials (J.S. Bach).

Numbers from one to nine should be written out in full unless they are accompanied by a unit of measure, for example: 3 kg, 5 m or 2 per cent. Numbers that begin a sentence should always be written out in full. Centuries should also be written out in full (the nineteenth century). Numbers over nine should appear in figures, unless the number is used in general terms, for example: ‘about a hundred people’ (numbers used within the same sentence may follow one style). Numbers with four or more digits should be separated by a comma (4,000).

Numbers denoting a range (of dates, pages, etc.) should appear as figures written out in full; for example: 22–23, 1944–1946 or 100–103 (not: 1944–46, 22–3, 100–3). This directive also applies to the bibliography.

Possessives: The possessive ‘s’ should be used as follows: Keynes’s, Jones’s; however, in the case of classical and biblical names, it should be: Theophilus’, Moses’, Jesus’.

Plays: Cite as Act I, scene 3.

Spellings and contractions:

Use ‘-ise’ in spellings (i.e. organisation rather than organization, emphasise rather than emphasize).

Avoid use of contractions (i.e. I would and they will rather than I’d and they’ll).


Bullet points (•): Use these in making lists.

Percentages: The % symbol should only be used in tables and figures; otherwise, it should be written as ‘per cent’ (two words) in the text.

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