
Hymnologi – Nordisk tidsskrift is an academic open access journal published in cooperation between Nordhymn and the Finnish Society for Hymnology and Liturgy. Its purpose is to publish current research on hymnology and to offer a platform for scholarly co-operation and debate within the field. The journal appears twice a year and consists of articles, book reviews, reports and miscellaneous. 

Hymnologi was until 2020 a printed journal.

The paper will have an open issue, published in June, and a thematic issue, published in December. Articles should be written in a Nordic language: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic, Faroese, Sami languages; English or German. All articles need an abstract in English, with keywords and a three-line biography. Articles written in the smaller Nordic languages may be translated into English.

The editorial board consists of rev. dr. Samuli Korkalainen (Finland), rev. Sofija Lazić Pedersen (Sweden) and ph.d. Helen Rossil (Denmark).

We also have a Facebook-page: Hymnologi Nordisk tidsskrift and you can reach the editorial board on our e-mail hymnologi.redaktion@gmail.com 

Editorial Process 

For the open issue the process is as follows:

  • Deadline for articles in any hymnological aspect: February 15th
  • Peer reviewing process, double-blind, with a deadline at April 15th. If the peer reviewers suggest revisions there is a two week opportunity for these.
  • Deadline for book reviews, reports and miscellaneous: April 15th.
  • Publication in early June 

For the thematic issue the process is as follows:

  • Call for papers within the theme: January 15th
  • Deadline for articles: August 15th
  • Peer reviewing process, double-blind, with a deadline at October 15th. If the peer reviewers suggest revisions there is a two week opportunity for these.
  • Deadline for book reviews, reports and miscellaneous: October 15th.
  • Publication in early December

The languages of this journal are Nordic languages, i.e. Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Faroese, Greenlandic and Kven, as well as Sámi languages, but English and German are also acceptable. All articles need an abstract in English, with keywords and a short biography. Articles written in smaller Nordic languages may be translated into English, Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.

Peer Reviewing Policy

This journal uses double blind peer reviewing, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the process. When the manuscript is ready for review, the text is sent to two anonymous peer reviewers, who independently write a statement about the article. The reviewers are PhD level researchers or other expert parties external to the editing board and independent in relation to the manuscript to be reviewed. The process will focus on the comprehensiveness of the material and the mastering of the theoretical framework, reliability and accuracy of the research implementation as well as the originality and novelty of the research problem or the research frame and results in relation to earlier research. Reviewers may suggest the article to be published as such, to be published with minor changes, to encourage or permit a revision, or to be rejected.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. No subscription is needed to access the articles and no download fees are charged.

Authors are not charged for publications in this journal, neither submission fee nor article processing fee.