Den evangelisk-lutherske salmegudstjenestes undfangelse i 1524 og den første danske gudstjenesteordning fra 1529
Martin Luther's hymns, Johann Walter, Reform of the Mass, Congregational singingAbstract
The article marks the 500th anniversary of Johann Walters Chorgesangbuch from 1524 and argues that it played a crucial role in the conception of the Lutheran mass wit congregational singing in the vernacular. The first part of the article outlines Luthers program for a reform of the Mass in 1523 and presents his contributions to Walters Chorgesangbuch. The second part of the article analyses six hymns from the Chorgesangbuch as they appear in the Malmö Mass from 1529 – the first Danish mass order.Copyright (c) 2024 Kristoffer Garne
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